“If you qualify for public assistance, or if your household income is below double the poverty rate, you likely qualify for free internet in a partnership, organized by the White House, between internet providers and the federal government.”


Program has two parts:

  1. Discounted Internet for $30: A number of providers already offer qualifying families high-speed internet for $30/month, at a speed at that should be ample for a family of four zooming for work and school, and playing games.

  2. A Further Subsidy to Pay the Remaining $30 if Your Bill: The Affordable Connectivity Plan offers qualifying families another $30 subsidy to cover the remaining part of their bill, making high-speed internet effectively free.

In general, families of four, for instance, who make a total of $55,000 or less qualify. That describes nearly 40% of the entire United States. You can also get up to $100 toward a laptop or computer. Find out if you qualify by going to, or clicking on the above images.

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